Become A Better Writer: How To Develop A Writing Habit


Writers need to write. It is a simple yet essential fact for aspiring writers. Still, it can sometimes be one of the most challenging aspects of writing. After a long, stressful day, getting behind the keyboard can be a mountain to overcome. A writing habit can help alleviate that frustration and stagnation. 

Developing a writing habit is crucial to overcome these common pitfalls. A regular routine helps create discipline and practice, two of a writer’s biggest allies. Disciplined writers make time to write and don’t get caught up by distractions and excuses. Regardless of your writing abilities, practice is required to hone and improve any skill.

Why is a Writing Habit Important?

A writing habit is vital for writers, from aspiring beginners to seasoned veterans. Developing a regular routine has several benefits that can improve a writer’s abilities. Writing is a skill that needs to be exercised. Dedicated training leads to results.

Starting a Writing Habit

Starting a routine can seem like an imposing peak. Although initial looks might seem intimidating, any habit can start with small steps. In his youth, author Truman Capote would write for three hours every evening. While enthusiastic, that level of dedication isn’t needed to get a writing routine in motion.

A writing routine can start with just ten minutes a day. That time can be adjusted to fit the writer’s preferences, but manageability is essential for a fledgling habit. The goal is not only about output in a single day. Repetition over a period of time is also an equal part of starting a regular writing regimen.


Finding the Dedication

Dedication to a writing habit helps build perseverance- an essential ability for any writer. In Writing History, countless well-known authors faced literary rejection at the start of their titanic careers. Several faced numerous rejections and doubted their aspirations to be a writer. Stephen King’s first published novel, Carrie, was the fourth manuscript he penned for publication. 

Despite the setbacks, these authors found the determination to stick to their aspiring writer goals. How many literary masterpieces would be lost without the dedication to push through? Even more troubling, how many groundbreaking novels from undiscovered writers will never see publication? Finding the commitment to keep up with a regular writing habit is a valuable skill from the first draft to publication. 

Committing to Writing Habit Practice

A daily writing habit is the literary equivalent of going to the gym. Writers committed to a routine exercise their ability to put words to the page. This practice can be highly beneficial to aspiring writers, granted they put enough attention and reflection into the process.

Aspiring writers that analyze their writing habit samples could find areas to explore and polish on a technical level. For example, overusing a word, a name, or the passive voice could be uncovered and improved in subsequent exercises. There are few limitations to the benefits of practice.

How to Start a Writing Habit

A recurring writing habit can be started with minimal effort. Aspiring writers should schedule time, ready their preferred writing tool, and begin. The goal is to repeat the process the next day, then the next, for a week and beyond. Set a challenge and enjoy the process, but be wary of setting the bar too high. Unrealistic expectations and forced writing have detrimental effects.

There is no shortage of matters to write about- the key is to write. Writers who spend eight of their dedicated ten minutes thinking about a topic will not have a productive writing practice. Choose a subject before starting your daily routine. 

Are you having trouble finding inspiration to start your habit? You are not beginning your magnum opus. Consider these uncomplicated starting points:

Start a Journal

Starting a journal can be a great introduction to a daily writing habit. Keep tabs on yourself, check in with your mental health, or reflect on your day. Journals are tremendously helpful as a writing exercise and beneficial for mental health or personal development.

Remember- this is practice. You are not writing for publication in these exercises; you are writing to write. Have fun with your text, learn from your experiments, and work towards becoming a better writer.

Craft a Poem

Poems offer a unique writing exercise. The careful selection of words to build prose can engage a different part of an author’s ‘writing brain.’ A copywriter could find substantial benefits from trying their hand at crafting a poem. The unique pairing of a typically unrelated pair of words could illume a flash of literary inspiration.

Mimic a Writer

If you genuinely have nothing to write about, consider copying the words of another author. Strictly in terms of practice, the process of writing with another writer’s literary voice could be intensely insightful. Analyzing their style could help build your own. 

How do they craft their sentences? What kind of words do they use? How are they creating voice? Answering these questions can be beneficial for aspiring writers to look introspectively. 

Try a Freewrite

Freewriting can be a go-to exercise for daily writing habits. The process involves stream-of-consciousness writing, that is, putting whatever comes to mind onto the page. Very little focus should be given to sentence structure or grammatical concepts. The goal of this technique is to write.

Jack Kerouac was a proponent of freewriting. He believed this exercise produced raw, unfiltered ideas that were not tarnished by convention or self-editing. While the results of a free write can be varied, it can be a handy tool to combat writer’s block.

How Freewriting Makes You A Better Writer

Writers of any skill level seeking to improve their writing abilities or overcome writer’s block should look no further than freewriting. Freewriting is a writing exercise that can help writers practice putting their thoughts to paper…

Learn to Love the Process

Successful writers have a tenacious drive to improve. Dedicated time to practice and exercise the literary muscles used during writing is a crucial first step for every aspiring writer to schedule. Find a time and setting that works best for you, set a challenging yet supportive goal, and start a writing habit today. The journey of every aspiring writer begins with writing.

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